Oh ye, exams! My course work this way: a year is devided into 4 moduls/periods. One modul takes about 2 and a half months, and in the end of the period you take your exams. Every modul is built up around one subject. E.g: In the first one we had marketing - then we had marketing lectures, english classes, and some other stuff. 2nd period was management accounting - we had book-keeping, accounting, statistics, and english and other stuff (English is offered the whole year - I mean, it's not offered, it's compalsury :D)
The point is that we always have an exam week at the end of the period, when you dont have classes, just exams (that 3 max 4...) and after or before we have a so-called study-week - a week off. Nice, huh? Just chilling for practically 2 weeks. I'm lovin' it.
So some words about IBMS - international business and management studies.
The course takes 4 years and we are going to become the managers of the future. As for the degree, we will get one in Business Administration. It is real fun, it's said to be the most difficult course of the school but I studied in Hungary before so if you decide, as a Hungarian, to come and study here, you wont have a problem at all.

As a part of the course, we have the chance to go abroad in the 4th year - to study a half year and then do our internship, or the internship whole year while we also have to write our thesis. Pretty cool.
In addition, in the 1st and 2nd year, we all go to excursions, this year to Belgium (Brussels, Antwerpen) and next year, Im not sure where because last year the 2nd-year-students went to Berlin but I believe, this year they went to Prague. Oh, and it is also compulsory! So if you wanna be the part of a dynamic, intercultural environment, IBMS is for you!! ( nice marketing line, huh? :D) http://www.topibms.nl/
szia olvastam, hogy te a Stenden egyetemen tanulsz. Esetleg,h a van időd tudnál pár infót mondani a suliról, mert én is Hollandiában tervezem folytatni tanulmányaimat és jelölt a Stenden is. Az e-mail címem: fg.attila@yahoo.com
VálaszTörlésElőre is köszi,