2011. október 1., szombat

The mysterious world of chatsites

Well, since I live in Holland, I have become a user of different Dutch chatsites to improve my Dutch and get to know new people because most of my friends live outside of the city. Besides that you can come across really pervert people there are also some really nice ones. The secret is, that you have to be open, not too open and not to share very personal information on the internet (your mobile phone or anything) and it is really handy if you live in the same city and if you finally meet, always do it in public! After you added each other on msn, it is really easy because you can keep in touch, have video conversations and you can actually see the person you are talking to. If something goes wrong, you can still block them everywhere.

I have had some very good experiences and met people from the internet. I have become very goods friends with a girl, since it turned out that she was also Hungarian, and comes from the same city like I do and studied at the same primary school and secondary school, like I did. It was really funny.

I have also met some guys (without the total lack of intention that something would happen between us) but  with them I am not in touch anymore because there just wasn't a 'click' but it was still nice to be out and have a nice conversation.

My very best experience came really spontaniously: I was chatting with some guy for just a half an hour long, we were both complaining that our friends are busy and/or don't want to go out and now we are just gonna have a boring evening. Yeah, right..... oké, then I suggested: do you feel like going out? Okaay, then we met and started a pubcrawl in the city. And it turned out to be really fun, we were totally on the same wavelength and we had an awesome time and I think, I have just got a very good friend (overtaking any thoughts if something had happen, it did NOT). Of course, it also came because the Dutchies are really open to others and to new things, but of course not everyone dares to meet with a total stranger. But that's why it was exciting!

Well, if you have any questions about how to chat and meet nice people, just aks HEHEHEHEHE

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